Telegram Founder: Telegram CEO Pavel Durov revealed that he is the biological father of more than 100 children in 12 countries through sperm donation. He gave this information on Telegram.
Telegram CEO Pavel Durov: Telegram founder Pavel Durov has made a shocking disclosure. According to Pavel Durov, he is the biological father of not one or two but 100 children. Pavel gave information about this on his Telegram post. He said that I have more than a hundred children in 12 countries through sperm donation. Not only this, Pavel Durov made a long post about this.
‘This story started 15 years ago’
Pavel Durov says on Telegram that I have come to know that I have more than 100 biological children. How can it be possible for a person who has never married and likes to live alone. Not only this, he said that the story of becoming a sperm donor started 15 years ago.
Friend asked to donate sperm
Posting on Telegram, Pavel writes that 15 years ago, one of his friends was having trouble conceiving a child, after which he requested me to donate sperm. When his friend was taking him to the clinic to donate sperm, he was told that his sperm was of good quality, which could help his friend. Durov found this thing strange but he agreed to donate sperm.
Pavel Durov further wrote that he later stopped donating sperm, but currently he has more than 100 biological children in 12 countries. He said that I have now planned to open-source my DNA so that my biological kids can find each other easily.
Pavel further wrote that I know this is a risky job, but I have no regrets about becoming a donor. Because the lack of healthy sperm has become a serious issue all over the world and I am proud that I have taken this step.