April Panchak 2024, known as the month of five inauspicious days, marks a period where certain auspicious activities are restricted due to beliefs that such endeavors may not yield success. Let’s delve into the significance of April Panchak and the precautions to observe during this period.
The Commencement of April Panchak 2024
April Panchak, commonly referred to as Chor Panchak, commences on Friday, April 5, 2024, at 07:12 AM. This period coincides with the observance of Papmochani Ekadashi fast, ending on April 9, 2024, at 07:32 AM, coinciding with the commencement of Navratri festivities. Notably, April also witnesses a solar eclipse during the Panchak duration.
Panchak Rules: Precautions to Follow
Avoid Travel in This Direction
According to astrological experts, it’s advisable to refrain from traveling in the southern direction during Panchak. South is considered the direction of Yama, the god of death, and embarking on journeys in this direction during Panchak may pose risks of accidents.
Financial Transactions and Initiatives
Exercise caution regarding financial transactions during Chor Panchak. Avoid initiating new businesses or engaging in commercial deals as there’s a perceived risk of financial loss. Individuals may find themselves burdened with debts if financial dealings are pursued during this period.
Exercise Prudence in Investments
Avoid making any investments during Panchak. Initiating investments during these five days may lead to increased expenditure and financial constraints, potentially leading to financial difficulties.
Restricted Activities
Certain activities are restricted during Chor Panchak, including the construction of beds, laying foundations or roofs for new homes, initiating new businesses, and conducting marriage or sacred thread ceremonies.